Sunday, August 21, 2011

CHANGE……ehhh.. oohh..yeh..

change-greensign At the end of the blog you might think I was drunk while writing this, so let me clarify first “Daddy doesn’t drink”. I think it’s sperm of surat’s rain & holiday feeling which has given birth to this krakalaka idea.. aumm.. bole to sanki idea. I may sound little cranky or loose screw if you don’t like the idea but for me it’s a perfect “mission IAmPossible-7”. Believe it or not but its next level of awesomeness to me. Alright without much overhype, ABee proudly presents his next innovation, “CHANGE”.

I just love ‘CHANGE’.. Bhakti is the best person to ask if you doubt that. From gym, cricket, table tennis, dancing, squash, lawn tennis, swimming, jogging, yoga to homemade programs. From regular journey roads, hair-cut, beard, tattoo craze, my looks, girl-friends to wife ;), I’ve always starved for ‘CHANGE’. (Just got a slap from behind) Oops…. Did I say wife?? Remove her from the list. She’s like my blood group, can’t change it even if I want to. The idea is to break the freaking regular CONSTANT life’s flow. I hate the same freaking boring routine & so does everybody (I guess so). Wake-up, poop, fun part (swim, tennis etc [2nd best part of the day]), office, lunch, office, tea, office, dinner & freaking office & at the end 1st bestest part of the day. (damn, you dirty minded people, by 1st bestest part I mean Love.. pure, true, pleasant love.)
freak-out-eyes ‘Office’, did you notice that boring word repeated 4 times. Lately working on Android made me another android; ya, bloody robot. The formal is green buddy while the later android is red.. bloody red robot. Last few days made me realize how cruel the world is. The dominator will keep dominating & the weaker will keep getting slaughtered. I’m tired of looking at it. People around me has surrendered & accepted the way things are. Even I’m one of them & that’s why this freaky “CHANGE” virus has woken-up. How wonderful & awesome it would be to quit job & freak-out or do something that I always wanted to do for a while & re-join job once this “CHANGE” asks for another ‘change’. It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to ‘change’ and others are not.
Another Point is to get out of regular flow life, do something new, and do something you always wanted to do, meet new people, more & more people. There’s this phrase called “out of box thinking”, I would say why to sit inside box & think of outside, rather fly out of the box & than start thinking. Wake your left brain to the new limits. Try yourself!!! Only you can change your life, no-one else can do it for you.
Few CHANGES that I want to have in life are,

  • lets_get_freakyChange profession.
    • Join some college (with lots of chicks) as professor.
    • Do some study.
    • Join Army…
    • Finish my secret project ;)
  • Change organization. 
  • Swim, swim, play, play… & die hard!!!
  • Just roam around the state/country.
  • Get so many tattoos.
  • Do nothing or get freaky like this baby!! –>
  • Change wife. (satak…another tight slap.. I’m not writing blog next time if she’s sitting behind me).
No… I’m serious, I really am!! Other than the last item I really want to give it a try. (You never know, you may hear news of my resignation and get to see my new avatar at any time.) Getting married at early age has one disadvantage, yes; you cannot try any of above things that easily. Dependency, that’s the ONLY thing that’s stopping me right now. Now looking for another source of income to handle that dependency. Any suggestion??? (Other than male prostitution & pole dance…)
Although there few consequences that I may have to face after my decision, I’m ready to face them all. After all nobody came with everything when they were born. I’m ready to start again. Ready to fall in love with life again….!!!!
Peace :)